Offer Agreement

This agreement is an official offer (public offer) addressed to any individual, hereinafter referred to as the Customer, who has agreed to the terms of this public offer by its full and unconditional acceptance.
The Customer is obliged to fully familiarize himself with this document before making the payment.
Individual entrepreneur Firsova Olga Stanislavovna, the entry sheet of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs was issued by the INTERDISTRICT INSPECTORATE OF THE FEDERAL TAX SERVICE No. 18 IN THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN
On November 14, 2014, OGRNIP 314169031800185 TIN 165903488212, representing an online course on permanent makeup "FOREVER NOT FOREVER", hereinafter referred to as the Contractor expresses its intention to conclude an agreement on the provision of paid educational services with the Customer on the terms of this offer (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").
1. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this offer, the following terms are used in the following meanings:
Offer — this document published on the website
Acceptance of the Offer — full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by performing the actions specified in clause 2.2. of the Offer. Acceptance of the Offer creates a Contract.
The Customer is an adult person who has accepted the Offer, who is a consumer of paid educational services under the concluded Contract, or an authorized representative of a minor who will be a consumer of paid educational services.
Contract — an agreement between the Customer and the Contractor for the provision of educational services, which is concluded by accepting the Offer.
Website — an Internet resource containing full information about the content and cost of courses, located at /
Tariff — a set of services included in the course price.
2.1. The Contractor provides, and the Customer pays for, information and consulting services within the framework of the selected course, the duration and plan of which are determined by the Annexes to the Contract posted in the relevant sections of the Site.
2.2. By paying, the Customer expresses his full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this agreement (acceptance).
2.3. The cost of services under the Contract is reported on the Website and amounts to the amount specified for a specific course of interest to the Customer, in accordance with the tariff indicated on the course page.
The Contractor is obliged to:
3.1. Organize and ensure proper quality performance of the services provided for in clause 2.1. of this Agreement, in accordance with the curriculum and tariff chosen by the Customer.
3.2. In order to organize access to educational materials and broadcasts, the Contractor undertakes to register the Customer in the Site's accounting system, provide a login and password to the Personal Account (profile).
3.3. Provide the Customer with all the necessary educational materials.
3.4. In case of lack of access to educational materials due to technical problems of the Site, the Contractor is obliged to fix the problems or provide alternative access to educational materials.
4.1. The Customer provides reliable information when registering on the Website and keeps this information up to date in the personal account (profile).
4.2. The Contractor has the right to refuse to provide services to the Customer in case the Customer provides knowingly incorrect (false) information.
4.3. The Customer is obliged to properly perform the tasks for preparing for classes.
4.4. The customer is obliged to strictly follow the instructions of the teacher when performing tasks.
5.1. The Contractor has the right to involve third parties for the provision of services, being responsible for their actions.
5.2. The Contractor has the right to refuse to provide new services to the Customer if the Customer during the training period committed violations provided for by civil law and this agreement, and giving the Contractor the right to unilaterally refuse to perform the contract.
5.3. When studying at rates that include teacher support, in case of misunderstanding of the material covered, the Customer is obliged to notify the teacher about this by contacting the school administration by e-mail
5.4. The Customer has the right to require the Contractor to provide information:
• on issues related to the organization and ensuring the proper performance of services provided for in section 2 of this agreement;
• on the assessment of their knowledge and the criteria for this assessment.
5.5. The Contractor has the right to immediately terminate the provision of educational services with the return of funds for paid tuition, in case of aggression or disrespectful attitude on the part of the Customer.
5.6. The Customer is obliged to complete the paid group course within a calendar year from the date of receipt of payment for services to the Contractor's account (or from the date of payment of the gift certificate). After this period, the Customer loses the opportunity to receive information and consulting services of the Contractor or to return the funds.
6.1. The Customer pays for the services specified in Section 2.1 of the Agreement in Russian rubles. Payment for the services provided is made on the basis of a payment invoice. The invoice is generated after adding the courses to the "Basket" on the website. Payment of the invoice is made by selecting a suitable payment method on the Website after clicking the "Confirm order" button.
6.2. The Customer pays for the Contractor's services before the start of training in the amount of 100% prepayment by transferring non-cash funds to the Contractor to the Contractor's current account.
6.3. The moment of payment is considered to be the receipt of funds to the Contractor's current account. For payments made through Paypal, the moment of payment is the acceptance by the Contractor of the notification of receipt of the payment.
7.1. The customer, who is studying at the rates that include teacher support, is obliged to complete all homework.
7.2. The Customer has the right to extend the period of teaching support, in case of illness that prevented classes. To do this, it is necessary to notify the school administration by e-mail or phone, and at the end of the illness, confirm it with a sick leave.
7.3. The Customer makes up for missed classes of online broadcasts independently by viewing video recordings via an Internet link sent to him by e-mail specified during registration. The customer is obliged to review all recordings of missed classes before the next online broadcast, which he will attend.
8.1. The customer is obliged to comply with the copyright of the online course on permanent makeup "FOREVER NOT FOREVER" for all course materials in accordance with the Copyright Law.
8.2. The Customer is prohibited from copying any video or text materials. The exception is the training files marked as "Materials for the lesson".
8.3. The Customer is prohibited from using the training materials obtained in the classes in the online course on permanent makeup "FOR EVER AND EVER" for commercial purposes, on his own behalf, to place in the public domain, to transfer to third parties.
8.4. The Customer is prohibited from transferring the login and password of access to the Site to third parties. The discovery of the fact of access to the materials of the courses of third parties is the basis for unilateral termination by the Contractor of the contract without refund.
8.5. The fact of the conclusion of this Agreement is not considered by the Parties as confidential information
8.6. The Parties undertake not to disclose the information received by the Parties in the course of fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement, except in cases when the Party is obliged to provide such information in accordance with the current legislation applicable to the Agreement, or consent has been obtained to disclose such information.
9. PROCESSING OF THE CUSTOMER'S PERSONAL DATA 9.1. The Customer's personal data is processed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data" No. 152-FZ.
9.2. When registering on the Website, the Customer provides the following information: surname, first name, contact phone number, e-mail address.
9.3. By providing his personal data to the Contractor, the Customer agrees to their processing by the Contractor, including for the purpose of fulfilling the Contractor's obligations to the Customer under this public offer, promoting goods and services by the Contractor, conducting electronic and sms surveys, monitoring the results of marketing campaigns, customer support, conducting prize draws among Customers, monitoring Customer satisfaction, as well as the quality of services provided by the Contractor.
9.4. The processing of personal data means any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed by the Contractor with or without the use of automation tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification) extraction, use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
9.5. The Contractor has the right to use the "cookies" technology. "Cookies" do not contain confidential information. The Customer hereby consents to the collection, analysis and use of cookies, including by third parties for the purposes of generating statistics and optimizing advertising messages.
9.6. The Contractor receives information about the IP address of the Site visitor. This information is not used to identify the visitor.
9.7. The Contractor is not responsible for the information provided by the Customer on the Website in a publicly available form.
9.8. The Contractor has the right to record telephone conversations with the Customer. At the same time, the Contractor undertakes to: prevent attempts of unauthorized access to information obtained during telephone conversations and/or transfer it to third parties not directly related to the execution of Orders, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 16 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection".
10. GROUNDS AND CONDITIONS FOR AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT 10.1. The terms on which this agreement is concluded may be changed either by agreement of the parties or in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
10.2. This agreement may be terminated by agreement of the parties. At the initiative of one of the parties, the contract may be terminated on the grounds provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In case of termination of the contract before the start of training, the Contractor returns the payment for the course to the Customer.
10.3 Refusal of training or transfer to another course is made at the request of the Customer in electronic form by e-mail. Refusal is possible within 24 hours from the date of payment of the course. In case of refusal of training, the funds are returned only if the student has not started training.
10.4. To transfer to another course or tariff, it is necessary to contact the administration by e-mail or phone and agree on the details. The issue of the refund of the difference in the cost of the tariff or course is decided in each case individually, taking into account the circumstances of the situation and the measure of the provision of teaching support.
10.5. The refund is made within ten working days from the date of termination of the Contract.
10.6. The Contractor has the right to refuse to perform the contract if the Customer has violated clauses 8.3 and 8.4 of the services under this agreement.
10.7. The Contract is considered terminated from the date of written notification by the Contractor of the Customer of the refusal to perform the contract.
11. LIABILITY FOR NON-FULFILLMENT OR IMPROPER FULFILLMENT OF OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT 11.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the parties of obligations under this agreement, they bear responsibility provided for by civil legislation and consumer protection legislation, on the terms established by this legislation.
11.2. The Customer agrees and acknowledges that actions performed using authentication data (login and password) in the Personal Account generate legal consequences similar to the use of personal signatures.
11.3. The Contractor does not guarantee the absence of malfunctions and errors in the operation of the Site.
11.4. Neither Party will be liable for the full or partial non-fulfillment of any of its obligations under this Agreement, if the non-fulfillment will be the result of force majeure circumstances. The party for which the impossibility of fulfilling the circumstances has been created is obliged to immediately notify the other party in writing of the occurrence, expected duration and termination of the above circumstances. Failure to notify or untimely notification deprives the Parties of the right to refer to any of the above circumstances as grounds for releasing from liability for non-fulfillment of obligations.
12. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT AND OTHER CONDITIONS 12.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment the Customer accepts this Public Offer and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.
12.2. The Contractor reserves the right to make changes to this Agreement at any time at its discretion, such changes come into force from the moment the amended text of the Agreement is posted, unless another date for the entry into force of the changes is additionally defined in the text of the publication.
12.3. The Parties consider the training completed if the Customer has been granted access to the course materials, the Customer has completed assignments and received teaching support in accordance with the selected tariff, his training period has expired and no complaints have been received within 5 working days after the end of the training.
Performer: IP Firsova Olga Stanislavovna
Online course on permanent makeup "EYELIDS ARE NOT FOR CENTURIES"
OGRNIP 314169031800185
TIN 165903488212
Bank details:
Bank account 40802810800000278970
BIC 044525974
Correspondent account 30101810145250000974